
Helpful information and tips on composition.

10 Forced Perspective Photos You Have to Try For Yourself

Forced Perspective Photos Trick Photography

Here is a look at 10 photos that use the forced perspective technique. This type of trick photography doesn’t use photo editing software but rather, with some creative positioning of subjects and the camera, it creates an optical illusion that makes objects appear to be more distant, closer, smaller, or larger than they really are. (more…)

Top 10 Portrait Photography Composition Tips

Woman Holding Camera Capturing Portrait Photos

To be able to capture excellent portraits, there are several things you need to consider, from correct lighting and ideal camera equipment to creative posing and subject matter. Photographing babies, for example, can present entirely different challenges than taking portraits of adults. Here we will focus on the top 10 composition tips for stunning portrait photos. (more…)

Compositional Framing: Tips on Using Frames Within a Photo

Compositional Framing

Framing is a compositional technique used to draw attention to the subject and add interest to the photo. This photo gallery looks at several ways to use frames within an image. (more…)

10 Awesome Pictures of Cats to Help You Master Cat Photography

Awesome Pictures of Cats - Kitten Sleeping on His Back

Who doesn’t love to look at photos of cats? In order to capture great images of these furry feline friends, you do need a little skill and knowledge. Here’s a gallery of some incredible cat photos: you’ll see ten pictures of cats, along with ten photography tips to help you learn how to capture the best photos possible. (more…)

Photo Gallery: Leading Lines in Photography

There are various ways to integrate lines into a photograph to help strengthen the overall composition and draw attention to a specific focal point. This photo gallery will illustrate several forms of leading lines and explain different ways to use them within a photo.

Click on any image to enlarge and to learn more about the technique used to compose the photo.


Travel Photography Tips: Capturing Great Vacation Photos

Eiffel Tower Paris red car selective coloring

Yes, the iconic Egyptian pyramids are photo worthy, as are Paris’ Eiffel Tower and the majestic Big Ben clock tower of London, but that doesn’t mean your vacation photos need to look just like those of every other tourist to visit these popular destinations. Save it for postcards. If you want unique and memorable photos of your holiday, follow these travel photography tips. (more…)

Having Fun With Wedding Photography

Looking at sample wedding photos can help inspire you to either capture great photos yourself, or even assist you in coming up with some must-have shots that you can ask your hired photographer to capture. Here is a look at several excellent wedding photos, along with a description of what makes them so great. (more…)